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Provides full-text/full-image access to The New York Times newspaper from the first issue published in 1851 up through five years from the current date. Content includes news stories, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, birth and marriage announcements, photographs, cartoons, maps, advertisements, and more. Updated annually. For online access to current issues of The New York Times, see Nexis Uni. To locate printed or microfilm copies of The New York Times, check MinerQuest, the UTEP Library Catalog.
NOTE: UTEP students, faculty, and staff have unlimited access to New York Times Digital Edition subscription.
NOTE: This database is partially funded by the Academic Library Collection Enhancement Program (ALCEP) through the General Libraries of the University of Texas at Austin.
LexisNexis Academic
LexisNexis Academic is a database that provides access to several different types of documents, most notably newspaper and magazine articles