To finding books, videos, and government documents in the library you will need to use the Library Catalog.
Use Encore to do a quick search of the Library Catalog.
Locations in the UTEP library
Reading Library of Congress Call Numbers
To find magazine, newspaper, and scholarly articles you will need to use the Library's Databases. The UTEP Library subscribes to over 300 databases.
It is recommended that you start searching in a multidisciplinary database such as Academic Search Complete. Then turn to specialized databases such as Business Source Complete, Education Full Text, Health Source: Consumer Edition and PsycINFO depending on your topic.
Academic Search Complete is the most commonly searched database by UTEP undergraduates because it is a multidisciplinary database and links to more relevant and authoritative sources than Google.
This video will teach you how to find full-text articles in online databases from the UTEP Library.
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