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Clinical Laboratory Science

What is RefWorks?

Getting Started

Importing Data into RefWorks

There are different ways to import data to your RefWorks account the most common are:

  • Direct Import from Databases 
  • Save Citation from Databases into Text Files (.txt)
  • Capturing Web Page data through Save to RefWorks
  • Manually Adding Reference
  • Adding Full Text to References

Where to Find Export Links

Some export links are easy to spot, others are not.  This tabbed pages go through the most popular seen links or buttons for a direct export.

Some export links are easy to spot, others are not.  This tabbed pages go through the most popular seen links or buttons for a direct export.

This example is MinerQuest, but it is the same for all EBSCO-based databases.

Generate Bibliographies

Writing with RefWorks

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