Library Assignment - 1301
Part 1
1. From the Library Home Page ( do a quick search using Encore, the new library interface. Type a keyword into the box near the top of the page. _________________
2. Find a book about your subject and complete the following:
Call # _______________________________________
Floor/Location: _______________________________
Click on the title for fuller information about the book. Fill out the following from the record:
Author: _________________________________________
Title: ___________________________________________
Place of publication (city): ____________________________
Publisher (company): ________________________________
Year of publication: __________________________________
Now click on the link under the search box at the top of the page that says “Classic Nugget” and try the search again. Is the information about the title you found easier to understand?
Yes * No * About the same *
Part II
1. From the library home page (, click on the link under “Online Resources” for “Databases”.
Select the letter A from the alphabetical listings, and then connect to Academic Search Complete.
Type a subject of your choice in the “Find” box. For example:
Brazil in default field
AND music in default field
After selecting an article, complete the following information:
Author (if listed): _____________________________________
Title of Article: _______________________________________
Title of periodical/journal: ___________________________________
Volume number: ___________________________________________
Page number: _____________________________________________
Date of publication: ________________________________________
Subject Term (just one): ____________
2. Repeat the search, checking the options “Full text” and “Scholarly”.
Are the results different?
3. Try another way to find databases. At the Library’s webpage (, go to the box on the right side of the top under the caption “Pick a database for online resources.” Click on the arrow and scroll down to “Music.” Notice that the first database listed is Academic Search Complete. But this time, scroll down through the listings until you come to databases that are specifically about music, for instance Naxos Music Library or Oxford Music Online.
4. Choose one of the music databases and do another search like the one you did using Academic Search Complete. How are the results different? Since both these databases are about music, you may need to use more specific search terms, i.e. berimbau or Bahia
You can find more hints for doing research at the Library’s webpage under “Ask a Librarian.” There are tutorials at
Contact me if you have any questions about library research.
My name is Claudia Rivers, and my office is in 601B. My phone number is 747-6725 and my email address is
500 W. University Avenue : El Paso, TX, 79968-0582 : (915) 747-5672 |