Visual Culture: Daniel Duarte’s 1301 Class
Visual culture, as studied in this class, may include—but is not limited to—the following media: photography, painting, sculpture, fashion, advertising, virtual reality, and other electronic imaging systems.
The UTEP Library has many resources that you can use for assignments: Books, journals and magazines, videos, archival resources, and even original art works.
To search for books on your topic, you can use a variety of search terms. For instance, if you are interested in photographs of sports, you could try linking those two terms: Photography and Sports. You will find that the subject heading for that topic is “Photography of sports.”
Links to visual culture in the library:
Art in the Library:
Some art-related databases the Library subscribes to:
ARTstor Digital Library
Oxford Art Online
Some full-text databases with popular and scholarly journals:
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - The New York Times (1851-2006)
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