CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature) (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowBibliographic index for the professional literature of nursing, allied health, biomedicine, and healthcare derived from English-language and selected international source materials. Subject coverage includes management, behaviorial sciences, health sciences, librarianship, education, and consumer health. Materials indexed include journals, books, book chapters, pamphlets, audiovisuals, dissertations, educational software, conference proceedings, standards of professional practice, nurse practice acts, critical paths, and research instruments.
Cochrane Library (Wiley)This link opens in a new windowA collection of evidence-based medicine databases, including the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Reviews), the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), the Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (Methodology Reviews), the Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), and the NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED). Includes full text, systematic reviews of empirical studies, complete with graphs, figures, odds-ratio diagrams, and tables, many of which can be manipulated for statistical analysis.
Embase (Elsevier)This link opens in a new windowA comprehensive, international biomedical and pharmaceutical indexing database that contains bibliographic citations with abstracts from EMBASE (1974-present) and MEDLINE (1966-present) that have been de-duplicated and are searchable with EMTREE, the Life Science Thesaurus. Subject coverage includes drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, nursing, and biomedical engineering/instrumentation. Publications indexed include academic and trade journal articles, book series and book chapters, conference proceedings, patents, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, reports, letters, reviews, surveys and more.
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive bibliographic indexing and abstracting database that provides information about behavioral measurement instruments, published by Behavioral Measurement Database Services. Materials indexed include journal articles, instruments from Industrial/Organizational Behavior and Education, questionnaires, interview schedules, vignettes/scenarios, coding schemes, rating and other scales, checklists, indexes, tests, projective techniques, and more.
MEDLINE (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive index for international literature in biomedicine, bioengineering, and health. Includes those areas of the life, behavioral, and chemical sciences needed by health professionals and others engaged in basic research and clinical care, public health, health policy development, or related educational activities. Subject coverage includes medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the pre-clinical sciences. Materials indexed include scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. This database is made possible by TexShare.
PsycINFO (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive bibliographic index that provides citations, abstracts, and some full text for international literature in the field of psychology drawn from source materials such as journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports. Subject coverage includes the psychological aspects of related disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business, and law.
PubMed (NCBI-NLM)This link opens in a new windowPubMed is a free service provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). It provides indexing for bibliographic citations from MEDLINE (1966 - present), OLDMEDLINE (1950 - 1965), out-of-scope and publisher-supplied citations, in-process records, and selected other NLM-reviewed life science journal articles with full text in PubMedCentral. Provides comprehensive coverage of international biomedical literature. Materials indexed include scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. Many citations include abstracts and some include free full text or links to full text, based on institutional subscriptions.
Risk Abstracts (ProQuest - Subfile)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive bibliographic index, complete with abstracts and links to some full text, for interdisciplinary literature concerning the identification and alleviation of risk in today's world. Subject coverage includes risk arising from industrial, technological, environmental, social, psychological, and other sources, with an emphasis on assessment and management of risk. Materials indexed include journals, books, technical reports, and conference proceedings.
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)This link opens in a new windowProvides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and complete full-text for Elsevier publications. Some items link to full-text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full-text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes biology, chemistry, business, mathematics, engineering, environmental science, materials science, computer science, medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and physics.
SpringerLinkThis link opens in a new windowProvides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for the publications of Springer-Verlag, Birkhuser Verlag, Brill Academic, and other selected publishers on the MetaPress platform. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Multidisciplinary subject coverage includes arts and humanities, astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, education, electrical engineering, environmental science, geology, law, materials science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, and the social sciences.
TOXLINE (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowProvides indexing and abstracts for information in all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants, and mutagens and teratogens. Materials indexed include journal articles, books, technical reports, theses, dissertations, letters, meeting abstracts, and conference papers.
Access Medicine from McGraw-HillThis link opens in a new windowProvides full-text online access to a selected collection of authoritative clinical reference and medical education titles authored by leading medical professionals from around the world. Content includes images, illustrations, interactive self-assessment tools, case files, and diagnostic tools necessary for completing evaluations, diagnoses, and case management decisions, as well as for pursuing research, medical education, or self-assessment and board review.
AGRICOLA (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowBibliographic index developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library (NAL) for literature concerning agriculture and related fields. Publications indexed include journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials, and technical reports. Some citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. Coverage: 1970 - present. This database is made possible by TexShare.
Alt HealthWatch (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowBibliographic index for literature on alternative health care and wellness. Subject coverage includes complementary, alternative, holistic, and integrated approaches to wellness and health care. Materials indexed include peer-reviewed journals, reports, conference proceedings, association and consumer newsletters, pamphlets, booklets, original research, and book excerpts. Most citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers, based on institutional subscriptions. This database is made possible by TexShare.
Consumer Health Complete (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowFully-integrated search interface designed to provide access to easily understandable consumer health information. Content ranges from mainstream health and wellness to complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Subject coverage includes aging, cancer, diabetes, drugs and alcohol, fitness, nutrition and dietetics, children's health, and more. Materials indexed include magazine and journal articles, pamphlets, Spanish-language health reports and newswires, medical encyclopedias and reference books, images, diagrams, animations, and streaming videos. Includes Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary. Most citations include abstracts and full text or link to full text content from other providers based on institutional subscriptions. NOTE: Contains the databases Health Source: Consumer Edition (EBSCO) and Alt HealthWatch (EBSCO). See also: Salud en Espanol (EBSCO).
This database is made possible by TexShare.
Contemporary Women's Issues (CWI) (GALE)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive bibliographic index that provides abstracts and full text for international literature in the field of Women's Studies. Subject coverage includes domestic violence, employment and the workplace, gender equity, the family, lesbian studies, reproductive health, and human rights. Materials indexed range from journals, books, and the alternative press to gray literature compiled from overlooked or hard-to-find newsletters and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) research reports. Rarely indexed or cataloged ephemeral literature from leading research institutes and grass roots organizations is also included.
ehp (Environmental Health Perspectives) OnlineThis link opens in a new windowehp (Environmental Health Perspectives) Online is a full text, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the discussion of environmental effects on human health. It includes monthly sections regarding childrens health and environmental medicine, a toxicogenomics research section, and an annual review issue.
Ergonomics Abstracts (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowProvides comprehensive indexing and abstracts for international literature pertaining to ergonomics and human factors. Materials indexed include books, reports, conference proceedings, and journals. Includes related material from subject areas such as psychology, physiology, biomechanics, job design, human-computer interaction, safety science, human engineering, medicine, occupational health, sport, and transport.
Family Studies Abstracts (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowProvides access to bibliographic records covering essential areas related to family studies, including marriage, divorce and family therapy. This database is made possible by TexShare.
Oxford Medicine Online (OUP)This link opens in a new windowDigital hosting platform that provides complete full-text access to selected content included within the entire Oxford Medicine Online collection of authoritative medical titles published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Access to full-text is based on institutional purchases or licensed subscriptions. NOTE: UTEP's accessible content includes: Brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan (2nd Edition, 2011) and Foundations of the Neuron Doctrine: 25th Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition, 2015).
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDTGlobal) (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowProvides bibliographic indexing for nearly all doctoral dissertations and Master's theses accepted at North American academic institutions. Selectively indexes dissertations and theses from academic institutions in Great Britain, Europe, and other countries around the globe. Dissertations published since July 1980 include abstracts written by the author. Theses published since 1988 include brief abstracts. All titles published since 1997 include 24-page previews and complete full text; selected full text is available for earlier dates.
Risk Abstracts (ProQuest - Subfile)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive bibliographic index, complete with abstracts and links to some full text, for interdisciplinary literature concerning the identification and alleviation of risk in today's world. Subject coverage includes risk arising from industrial, technological, environmental, social, psychological, and other sources, with an emphasis on assessment and management of risk. Materials indexed include journals, books, technical reports, and conference proceedings.
Social ExplorerThis link opens in a new windowProvides hundreds of thousands of data indicators across demography, economy, health, education, religion, crime and more. Access professional-quality demographic data from the most trusted sources, including the Decennial Census, American Community Survey (ACS), County Business Patterns, Population Estimates, LEHD and more.
Toxicology Abstracts (ProQuest - Subfile)This link opens in a new windowComprehensive bibliographic index for professional literature covering all aspects of toxicology research. Subject coverage includes social poisons, substance abuse, natural toxins, radiation and radioactive materials, testing methodology, analytical procedures, legislation, recommended standards for environmental issues, and much more. Also includes toxicology studies of industrial and agricultural chemicals, household products, pharmaceuticals, and other substances. Publications indexed includes reports, journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and monographs.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowProvides access to Science Citation Index Expanded (1899-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1898-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (1990-present), and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (1990-present). Includes a broad selection of prestigious, high impact, academic research journals as well as cited reference searching.
PAIS International (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowA bibliographic index with abstracts covering the full range of political, social, and public policy issues in the following areas: economics, business, health care, finance, law, international trade and relations, public administration, government, and political science. Materials indexed include selected journal articles, books, statistics, yearbooks, directories, conference proceedings, pamphlets, reports, government documents, Internet resources, and microfiche.
Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowBibliographic index for literature dealing with social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. Materials indexed include journal articles, dissertations, and book reviews. Citations include abstracts and some include links to full text articles, based on institutional subscriptions.
Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and PolicyThis link opens in a new windowCoverage of more than 5.4 million articles from more than 300 journals and book reference content from Delmar, including Soil, Science, and Management; Introduction to Agronomy; Food, Crops, & Environment; Fundamental Soil Science; and more. The database is made possible by TexShare.
MinerQuestThis link opens in a new windowMinerQuest is the easiest way to search as many of the UTEP Library's databases + its catalog at once. Results will include articles of all types, books, e-books, government documents, streaming videos, and encyclopedia articles. A good all-purpose search tool.
ScienceDirect (Elsevier)This link opens in a new windowProvides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and complete full-text for Elsevier publications. Some items link to full-text content provided by other publishers or vendors. Access to full-text is based on institutional subscriptions. Subject coverage includes biology, chemistry, business, mathematics, engineering, environmental science, materials science, computer science, medicine, psychology, the social sciences, and physics.