A-Z Databases

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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription. Submit feedback to e-resources@utep.edu.
Provides access to a varied collection of digital streaming videos from a broad range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more. Content includes thousands of award-winning films, including Academy®, Emmy®, and Peabody® winners. Includes films from various distributors such as BBC, CBS, NBS, PBS, VEA, Filmakers Library, Insight Media, Stanley Milgram, Envision, Annenberg Learning and Bloomberg. NOTE: Selected content within this database is funded, in part, by the Academic Library Collection Enhancement Program (ALCEP) through the General Libraries of the University of Texas at Austin.
Alternate Name(s) AccessAPN Access Advanced Practice Nursing
Access APN provides nursing related content that includes authoritative titles, case studies, practice quizzes and instructional video. Paths of study include advance practice nursing, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, certified registered nurse anesthetists, certified nurse midwife and doctor of nursing practice.
Continuously updated. In partnership with Sigma Theta Tau.
New Trial
Alternate Name(s) Access World News
Provides access to local, national and international newspapers from more than 13,800 sources from over 200 countries and territories.
Contains the following Newspapers.
The Canadian Observer (1914–1919); The Christian Recorder (1851–1902); The Colored American (1837–1841); Frederick Douglass’ Paper (1851–1855; 859–1863); Freedom’s Journal (1827–1829); The National Era (1847–1860); The North Star (1847–1851); Provincial Freeman (1854–1857); Weekly Advocate (1837–1837); The Freedmen’s Record (1865-1874); The Negro Business League Herald (1909)
Alternate Name(s) API Standards
Provides full-text access on the Compass platform to the complete catalog of active and historical petroleum industry standards for oil and gas equipment, processes and systems published by the American Petroleum Institute (API). Coverage and updates vary by title. NOTE: Free online access to this resource is being provided to UTEP, in perpetuity, by the API's Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) initiative.
Provides access to ProQuest's Library Edition of the comprehensive consumer-based Ancestry.com online genealogy resource that includes vital records for individuals from North America (US and Canada), the United Kingdom (UK), Europe and Australia. Source materials include census information, birth and death records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, telephone directories, photographs, maps, and more. Continually updated.
As part of the Anthropology Resource Library, Anthropology Online provides access to a comprehensive collection of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over. Includes works by Franz Boas (The Mind of Primitive Man), Ruth Benedict (Tales of the Cochiti Indians), Margaret Mead (Coming of Age in Samoa), Claude LeviStrauss (Structural Anthropology), Clifford Geertz (The Interpretation of Cultures), A. R. RadcliffeBrown (Structure and Function in Primitive Society), David MacDougall (Transcultural Cinema), Paul Rabinow (Essays on the Anthropology of Reason), E. E. Evans-Pritchard (Nuer Religion), and Bronislaw Malinowski (Argonauts of the Western Pacific). Anthropology Online is cross-searchable with Ethnographic Video Online and is essentially the full-text equivalent of the streaming video database. Updates vary.
Alternate Name(s) BoTW
Birds of the World is an ornithological research platform that provides information on taxonomy, appearance, habitat, diet, breeding and behavior. Includes scientific illustrations, photos, video and sound recordings. Content is derived from Birds of North America, The Handbook of Birds of the World, Neotropical Birds, Birds of Southern Africa and Bird Families of the World. Continuously updated.
BrowZine is a virtual newsstand that provides access to UTEP Library's scholarly e-journals in a user-friendly format. It allows users to browse journals by title or subject, read individual articles or full issues, and create a personalized bookshelf to track favorite journals. Journals are organized by broad subjects and narrower disciplines, making it easy to navigate and explore scholarly articles across various fields of study. BrowZine also includes features such as receiving notifications when new articles are published, downloading and saving articles for offline reading, and exporting articles to various services including Zotero, Mendeley, and Dropbox. BrowZine is available through the web and as a mobile app.
Alternate Name(s) IPANow

NOTE: Access is limited to UTEP staff and authorized users via username and password. Please contact the UTEP Library Serials & Electronic Resources Team (SERT) to request access credentials.

This resource is an online phonetic transcription application that will convert text to International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols to create instant, accurate and professional-looking phonetic transcriptions. The IPA converter can transcribe English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Latin to IPA. 

Alternate Name(s) Jane's
Provides full-text online access to Janes News Module which includes Defence Weekly, Navy International, International Defence Review, Defence Industry News, Intelligence Review, Intelligence Weekly, Country Risk Daily Report, Militant Propaganda Analysis and Terrorism & Insurgency Monitor. Concurrent user limit is now unlimited.
Online news service published by the Inter-American Dialogue. It provides access to three weekly electronic news bulletins: Latin America Advisor (every business day).
UTEP students, faculty, and staff have unlimited access to the New York Times digital newspaper subscription. Create your own account to start using.
Provides complete full text/full image access to a selected collection of historical Black newspapers with coverage beginning as early as 1893 through as late as 2010. Subject coverage includes articles, obituaries, photos, editorials and more. Content includes the history of race relations, journalism, local and national politics, education, African American studies, and many multidisciplinary subjects.
Alternate Name(s) Mobilus
Provides full text access to peer-reviewed SAE International standards, technical papers, journals, magazines and eBooks. Access includes current titles, the most current 10 years of the technical papers and select journal and technical paper archives (backfiles).
New Featured

Scopus is a multidisciplinary database that provides access to millions of citations and abstracts.   Citations include peer-reviewed journals, open access sources, conference papers and patents.   Additional content includes author and organizational profiles. 

Provides hundreds of thousands of data indicators across demography, economy, health, education, religion, crime and more. Access professional-quality demographic data from the most trusted sources, including the Decennial Census, American Community Survey (ACS), County Business Patterns, Population Estimates, LEHD and more.
Provides complete full text access to electronic books (E-Books) across a wide variety of disciplines including science, technology, engineering, medicine, humanities and social science.
Provides online access to drama texts from diverse playwrights, high definition performance videos, documentaries, interviews, audio plays, contextual reference material, and production design archival content. Included are 850 hours of filmed stage performances, documentaries, and video training materials.

NOTE:  Online access is RESTRICTED to authorized UTEP end-users by username and password ONLY. All authorized UTEP end-users MUST use the UTEP Library's proxied link to register for a new UpToDate user account and/or to re-verify access via an existing UpToDate user account. Once established, the UpToDate username and password may be used to access the database from any location, subject to account re-verification. The account re-verification process must be done at least once every 90 days or online access to UpToDate will be suspended. Contact the UTEP Library Serials & Electronic Resources Team (SERT) for assistance.

UpToDate provides current evidenced-based clinical information.    Content includes Patient education, Drug information, Drug interactions. Calculators and topics by specialty. 

Provides access to WSJ.com for students, faculty, and staff. Activation is required using UTEP email.

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