- ASME Digital Collection
Provides full text access to Transactions journals, annual conference proceedings, and electronic books published by the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Coverage and updates vary by title.
- Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Comprehensive bibliographic index for business literature worldwide...Materials indexed include scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, books and book digests and more.
- Ei Engineering Village (Compendex)
Fully-integrated content discovery platform that provides online access to Engineering Index (Compendex), a comprehensive bibliographic index for engineering, technical, and applied science literature derived from journal articles, conference papers, technical reports, and more. Citations include abstracts and some include links to full-text, based on institutional subscriptions.
- IEEEXplore
Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and complete full-text for IEEE and IET publications, including transactions, journals, magazines, and conference proceedings as well as published IEEE Standards via the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) Online. Access to AbstractPlus records, full-text articles from 1988 onward, and selected full-text content from 1913 to present is based on institutional subscriptions.
This database is now under Ei Engineering Village (Compendex). Created by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), INSPEC provides comprehensive bibliographic indexing for international literature in science and technology core subject areas such as physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computing, and information technology. Includes significant coverage of related disciplines such as materials science, oceanography, nuclear engineering, geophysics, biomedical engineering, and more. Publications indexed include journal articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and technical reports.
- Safari Books Online (ProQuest)
Provides full text access to a current reference collection of online books pertaining to information technology (IT), published by O'Reilly Media, The Pearson Technology Group, and over 20 related imprints. Subject coverage includes certification, enterprise computing, Java, Linus/Unix, Web development, Windows, XML, and more. Coverage: Current three years (rolling forward).
ScholarWorks@UTEP: The University of Texas at El Paso
Preserves, organizes, and provides access to UTEP's Institutional Repository (IR) or online archive of research and scholarship of various types across all colleges, departments, and programs. Materials indexed include working papers, journal articles, conference papers, UTEP's dissertations and theses, photographic collections, and more. All items posted are full text or full image. Includes Faculty Selected Works
- SPIE Digital Library
Provides indexing, abstracting, and full-text content for journals and conference proceedings published by the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
- SpringerLink
Provides bibliographic citations, abstracts, and full text for the publications of Springer-Verlag, Birkhuser Verlag, Brill Academic, and other selected publishers on the MetaPress platform. Access to full text is based on institutional subscriptions. Multidisciplinary subject coverage includes arts and humanities, astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, education, electrical engineering, environmental science, geology, law, materials science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, psychology, and the social sciences.
- Web of Science
Provides access to Science Citation Index Expanded (1899-present), Social Sciences Citation Index (1898-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (1990-present), and Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (1990-present). Includes a broad selection of prestigious, high impact, academic research journals as well as cited reference searching.