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Collection Development Policies: Browsing

Collection development policies and Subject Librarians



Degrees offered:


Number of faculty:


Number of majors in the program:


Faculty Liaison:


Library Subject Specialist:

Lisa Weber


Program Description

This is a collection of popular reading that may be duplicated in the existing library collections. This collection addresses the reading pleasure of the university patron, faculty, and staff and does not attempt to supplement curriculum studies. The titles are purchased, or selected from gifts, and kept in Browsing

Description of Existing Collection

The Browsing collection is a small collection, its size is determined 1) by the space in which it is housed, and 2) by the funding it receives each year. New titles are purchased each year, in both English and Spanish. Titles are removed after four years to insure that the collection is kept current. Exceptions are books in series, the series should be kept intact regardless of publication date. Titles removed from Browsing will be relocated to the Main collection, or other location as requested by the subject specialist. As the number of titles is not set, it is not necessary to replace each withdrawn volume with a new volume. Rather, the librarian buys titles as they are identified as meeting the popular reading needs of our patrons, faculty, and staff.

The review of titles for removal from the collection is performed by the librarian assigned to the maintenance of the Browsing collection. A review is to be performed annually.

                                    Last updated: March 20, 2003 

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