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History seminar--Native Americans

Primary Sources - Native American History




Primary source materials for Native American history     


Personal papers:   Cleofas Calleros papers, Brian Brown papers, C. L. Sonnichsen papers


                        Congressional papers:   Richard C. White papers, Ron Coleman papers


Photographic collections:   Mexican Revolution photograph collection, El Paso Times negatives, El Paso Herald-Post photo files, Diana Molina photographs, Aultman photographs, etc.


Books:   Southwest and Border Studies Collection: especially books starting with the E99 call number.

            Special Collections Reference:  Ysleta del Sur Pueblo archives (4 volumes, call number E99.T52 Y75 2000), Handbook of North American Indians (volumes 2, 3, 9, &10; E77 .H25 v.2)


Maps: Assorted historical maps of Texas, the Southwest, and Mexico


Oral Histories:  Over 900 oral history interviews, some with references to Native Americans


Government records:

            Texas county and local records:

            El Paso County Records

            Mexican municipal records on microfilm:

            Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Janos, Carrizal,Parral

            Other Mexican archives on microfilm:

            Archivo Judicial de Parral, Chih.

            Archivo Judicial de Guerrero, Chih.

            Official Gazettes on microfilm and in hard copy:

            Peridióco Oficial de Chihuahua (under several titles)


Church records:  Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Cathedral of Durango, Dgo., Cathedral of Cd. Juarez (Mission of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe)


Microfilm: Ysleta del Sur Pueblo Archives: [the Tigua file /compiled by Nicholas Houser and Tom Diamond] MF554  

     Records of the Southern Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1832-70, MF 1623 .M640 (22 reels of film)

     Letters sent by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881,  MF 1623 .M21 (166 reels)

     Records of the New Mexico Superintendency of Indian Affairs, 1849-80, MF 1622 .T21 (30 reels)


Newspapers:  El Paso Times, El Paso Herald, El Paso Herald-Post, The Lone Star, other El Paso newspapers on microfilm.   Refer to Newspaperarchive in the databases to view El Paso Herald-Post from 1931-1977.  Also samples and short runs of various local and regional newspapers.




Special Collections phone: 747-5697; hours: MTThF 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; W 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.; Sat. 10-2

Claudia Rivers, Special Collections Librarian, phone 747-6725; e-mail

Special Collections web page address:  




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